Summer Staff FAQs

How old do I have to be?
All summer staff are required to be at least 18 years old. If you are not 18 yet, consider volunteering on an operations crew for a week or two this summer to see what working at Trail Ridge is all about! We prefer our Cabin Leaders be at least one year outside of being a camper. That means if you were a camper last year, you need to go through another summer before applying to be a Cabin Leader. If you are not a year out of camp, we'd recommend applying for a position on our Operations Staff.

How much money will I make this summer?
Summer Staff  will be paid $400/week (Returning staff are paid $450/week). Food and lodging is provided as well.
What will I be doing for nine whole weeks?
Cabin Leaders
Training: You'll be getting acquainted with camp property, policies, and procedures, while helping prepare for the busyness that is summer camp. You will learn how to work with the rest of the staff, take time to prepare yourself and your cabin for the summer, and receive vital training on how to effectively work with your campers. During this time we'll be conducting any final tweaks to our program and facilities for the summer.  

Family Camp: During these camp events just for families, you'll be helping facilitate camp activities and interacting with our guests.

Counseling: You will be living in a cabin with a group of campers assigned to your care. You'll be spending all of your time with your campers, leading and guiding them throughout the week. If any of the weeks of summer camp are not full of campers, extra staff will be used to help run programming or oversee a group of volunteer operations staff.

Post-Camp: After camp is over, summer staff will participate in debrief sessions, learn to host a guest group, and help close down the camp for the end of the summer.  

Operations Staff
During training you'll be getting used to the camp property, policies, and procedures right along with our Cabin Leaders. You'll also attend some of the general training sessions, while getting familiar with your work crew and focus area. During the weeks of camp, your main tasks will be with your assigned work crew.
This schedule looks pretty busy. Will I have any free time? 
Most of your free time will be on the weekends. Weeks of camp are busy, and you'll work long hours. We believe strongly in "Work Hard; Play Hard; Nap Hard!" You'll need to learn to manage your time in order to most effectively minister to our guests this summer; and plan out how you'll your weekends to refresh yourself physically and spiritually.
I have a previous commitment that would not allow me to be there the entire time? Can we work something out?
Possibly. If you are interested in the position, fill out the application. Disclose the date(s) you will not be available to be at camp, and we'll see what we can do. All staff training days are required for all staff.  

Are there things I'll have to do before camp?
Yes. Cabin Leaders will need to develop cabin devotions (one for each evening). You'll also need to be preparing yourself physically and spiritually for this summer. More specifics will be given upon acceptance.

Is there a Dress Code?
Yes, all  staff and volunteers must adhere to the Trail Ridge Dress Code. To view a copy, CLICK HERE.

I still have more questions. What do I do?
No worries! Call the camp office at (608) 489-3810 or email and we'd be happy to talk with you.