
Please read through this website page carefully. Our goal is to introduce you to Trail Ridge and to help you prepare for this experience in the best way possible. You’ll see some of our policies and procedures that will be observed this summer. These guidelines are in place to establish order, to keep things running smoothly, and to protect our campers and the testimony of Trail Ridge. I know some of this will be repeat information to many you, but regardless of your knowledge of Trail Ridge, please read through everything at least once because a few things have changed! Below, you’ll be asked to sign indicating you have read it all.
First of all, we would like to thank you for making yourself available to help at camp this summer. Volunteers are a vital part of this ministry, and we want you to know right off the bat how much we appreciate you! It’s because of our faithful volunteers and donors, we can continue to offer the many different programs here at Trail Ridge. Our camp staff is looking forward to this summer with great anticipation knowing the Lord is capable of doing great things here. Don’t forget to be in constant prayer for this summer’s ministry. During the time leading up to camp, prepare your heart for service. We are all a big team here working toward the goal of evangelizing, edifying, and equipping our campers. See you soon!

Monday Arrival

Summer Camp Dates

Plan to arrive at camp between 9:30-11:00 AM on Monday morning. This is during our regular camper check-in, so if you are bringing campers with you, this is when they will get checked-in as well. Please stop by the Thomas Center (large yellow building on your left) so we can give you your lodging assignment and volunteer schedule.
As you get closer to camp, you will be driving through an Amish community. Please use extreme caution on the roads and keep your distance from any buggies on the road. If you search for Trail Ridge Camp on Google maps or on your phone’s GPS, you should end up here. Phone service is a bit spotty as you get closer to camp. We’d strongly recommend you look at a map and directions to make sure you know how to get here before you leave for camp.

Saturday Departure

Specifics regarding the Saturday morning clean-up procedure will be presented during orientation. Since our staff will need to start preparing for the upcoming week of camp, we do ask that our volunteers leave once all Saturday morning responsibilities are finished, typically between 9-10 AM.
Junior High 1: June16-21
Teen Camp: June 23-28
Junior High 2: July 7-12
Kids Kamp 1: July14-19
Kids Kamp 2: July 21-26

What To Bring:

What Not To Bring:

-Bedding for a twin-sized bunk (Or Sleeping Bag) and Pillow
-Two Towels, Personal Toiletries, and Hygiene Products
-Enough Clothes for the week pertinent to your duties
-Two pairs of comfortable walking Shoes or Boots
-Rain gear and Umbrella
-Appropriate Swimwear and Sunscreen
-Bible, Notebook and Pen
-Flashlight, Backpack, and Water Bottle
-Builder's Banquet Outfit (See "Kids Kamp Only")
-Hawaiian Wednesday Outfit (See "Junior and Teen Only")
-Throwback Thursday T-shirt (See "Junior and Teen Only")
-Extra Clothes just in case
-A condiment of your choice (See "Chips, Cereal, and Condiments")
-Spending Money for Snack Shop, Camp Store, and TReats (Bring small bills or a debit card.)
-Weapons or anything that would endanger campers, other volunteers, or staff
-Alcohol, Tobacco in any form, Electronic Smoking Devices, or Illicit Drugs
-Morally Offensive Literature or Images, or materials related to sexual activity
-Items to sell or distribute
-Clothing that isn’t approved in the Dress Code

If we find you with prohibited items, we will need to confiscate that item. This may result in disciplinary action or dismissal.

Dress Code

Your physical appearance makes a statement to campers, parents, and other staff members and volunteers. While serving at Trail Ridge Camp, we ask that you limit your freedom concerning hairstyle, clothing, tattoos, and other outward physical accessories and fashions. If you have questions about your personal choices in these matters, and whether an article of clothing or style is appropriate, please ask! Trail Ridge reserves the right to request any staff member or volunteer to change clothing if, in the staff's judgement, the outfit is immodest, inappropriate, or inconsistent with the camp's standards. Here are the guidelines:
Shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
Skintight clothing is not considered appropriate coverage unless worn as a base layer.
Undergarments should never be visible.
Sleeveless shirts are permissible, but tank tops are not allowed.
Clothing with inappropriate messages (suggestive language or content promoting non-biblical values) is not permitted.
Cover-ups that comply with the dress code must be worn to and from the pool.
Tattoos that can be reasonably covered, must always remain covered around campers. Any tattoo showing nudity, immodesty, profanity, or vulgarity of any kind must always be covered.
Ladies/Girls: Swimwear must be a modest one-piece or full coverage shorts and shirt combination. Skirts and dresses must be knee-length or longer, and shorts must be worn underneath for camp activities. Female staff members should practice conservative styles for ear piercings. Excessive ear piercing, visible body piercings, gauges, or bars are not considered conservative styles.
Men/Boys: Swimwear must be boxer-style swim trunks. All male staff members must remove pierced jewelry and are not to wear necklaces. Other accessories like rings and bracelets may be worn in good taste and moderation.

Trail Ridge reserves the right to request any camper to change clothing if, in the staff's judgement, the outfit is immodest, inappropriate, or inconsistent with the camp's standards.
Some items of clothing you will want to consider bringing: long pants and long sleeved shirts or hoodies for cool evenings, rain coat or poncho, a sturdy pair of sandals (flip flops do not hold up well here), a hat, sunglasses, some clothes you don’t mind getting very dirty or stained.

Camper Safety

Trail Ridge Camp has a zero tolerance for abuse. It is the responsibility of every Trail Ridge Camp staff member and volunteer to always act in the best interest of campers. In the event any staff member or volunteer observes any inappropriate behaviors (i.e. policy violations, neglectful supervision, poor role-modeling, etc.) or suspected abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) it is the personal responsibility of each such staff member or volunteer to immediately report their observations to the Camp Director.
Below is a copy of Trail Ridge Camps Preventing Abuse and Neglect Policy. Please read pages 7-8 ("Camper Safety Policy" and "Reporting Abuse"), pages 12-13 ("Modeling Behavior" and "Appropriate Physical Touch") and pages 18-20 ("Rules for Camper Safety," ending at No. 9, "Camp Curfew").
All volunteers will need to affirm they've read the assigned sections of this document.

Volunteer Conduct

-All Volunteers will be required to attend the evening chapel sessions during the week of camp.
-All non-kitchen staff are to stay out of the kitchen at all times.
-Relationships: Our goal at Trail Ridge is not to promote romantic relationships between unmarried staff or campers. Our policy is no PDA. An explanation for this will be given at camp, but basically it means no physical contact or public displays of affection between unmarried couples. Two unrelated members of the opposite sex should not be alone at any time. This includes taking walks alone, riding in vehicles together, etc.
-Living quarters and restrooms are gender restricted. The only time an exception will be made will be for assigned housekeeping and maintenance needs.
-For security and rest purposes, a curfew or lights out time is stated on the schedule. That’s all lights, even your cell phones. This will be observed by all volunteer staff to ensure we all get enough rest for the coming day, and so we don’t keep others up too late into the night. Staff and volunteers are not to leave their lodging before 5:00 AM except in case of an emergency or prior approval by the Camp Director. 

Volunteer Lodging


You will be given your lodging assignment when you check in on Monday. It will be the responsibility of the occupants of each dwelling to keep them clean during the week. You will also be responsible for cleaning the dwelling and the assigned restroom at the end of the week of camp.
Good hygiene will be practiced by all campers, staff, and volunteers. When you come to a meal or chapel, please clean up before coming inside. We understand you will be working and may be a little dirty, but do your best to not be filthy or stinky when coming in. At the end of your working part of the day, you will probably feel best after a shower and a clean set of clothes. If you’re done working, clean up and don’t spend the rest of the day in dirty sloppy clothes. Taking regular showers will be required for everyone at camp.

Working Hours

As you have volunteered to serve at camp, we expect you to put in approximately 40 hours of work throughout the week. Some crews will work a different schedule, but all should work about the same amount of time. Working hours include orientation and instructional times as well as actual work. Working hours may include mealtimes, chapels, or recreation times. Your supervisor will help you manage and keep track of your time. A specific volunteer schedule will be given to you when you arrive. This schedule will be adhered to by all volunteers. Click the buttons below to read about your specific work crew.

Vehicle Usage

Depending on your duties, you may be issued a Trail Ridge vehicle to use while you work. You’ll be given specific instructions about the use of that vehicle when you receive the key. Camp vehicles are to be kept clean and cared for by the assigned driver. Volunteers should not, at any time, use a camp vehicle or their own vehicle to transport campers. It is imperative vehicles are kept at or below the posted camp speed limit or 15 mph. Always use extreme caution when driving around camp. Camp vehicles are not for your convenience or recreation; they are to be used for work purposes only. No vehicles of any kind should be driven to the lake or on trails without prior approval from the Camp Administration. Please park your personal vehicle in the RV Park when it’s not in use. Plan on keeping vehicle usage at a minimum when you come to camp. If, during the week, you need to leave the property in your own vehicle, please coordinate with your supervisor (even if not during normal working hours).

Chips, Cereal, and Condiments!

Last summer we asked campers to bring chips and cereal, and this year we're inviting volunteers to join in by bringing along a condiment of their choice—ketchup, ranch, hot sauce, etc. These donations help stretch our budget while creating fun options at mealtimes. Please note that all items must be in their original sealed container, and within the expiration date.

Kids Kamp Only

Junior and Teen Camp Only

We're excited to host a Builder’s Banquet for our Kids Kampers! Campers will enjoy a special themed supper and games, and can come dressed up for the part! We'd love for our volunteers to join the staff in campers in dressing up as well! Whether it's a tool belt, a safety vest, paint splattered clothes, or overalls, dressing up will help make it extra memorable for the kids. 
During Junior and Teen Camp, we celebrate Hawaiian Wednesdays and Throwback Thursdays. Everyone is encouraged to bring something Hawaiian to wear on Hawaiian Wednesday! Our staff typically breaks out the Hawaiian shirts, straw hats, grass skirts, and sunglasses.
New this year! Wear your oldest Trail Ridge T-Shirt on Throwback Thursday. Do you still have your shirt from "Topsy Turvy" in 2023? How about "Carry the Torch" in 2021? Wear it loud and proud on Throwback Thursday!

Pets At Camp

It is our policy that dogs and other pets are not allowed to be out on camp property even if they are on a leash. Accidents in various forms happen even with pets that have always been reliably well-behaved. Trail Ridge is not a place to let your pet out for a stretch, to use the bathroom or meet new friends. We respectfully ask that your pets (even the ones you consider to be family) stay home.
Please let us know once you've read through the all information on this page, and then sign below.

Directions To Camp

Directions to Camp From Madison
Get onto I-94 W
Take Exit 92 for WI-12
Turn Left on WI-12
Turn Right onto WI-33 W toward Reedsburg
Follow WI-33 W all the way through Hillsboro
Turn Left onto WI-82
Turn Right onto Warner Avenue
Turn Right onto Cherith Way

Trail Ridge Camp / S2695 Cherith Way, Hillsboro WI, 54634
Directions to Camp From LaCrosse
Get onto WI-33 E
Turn Right onto WI-131 S
Turn Left onto County Road P
Turn Right onto Warner Avenue
Turn Left onto Cherith Way

When you get to the top of the hill on Cherith Way, turn left through the gates. Continue on the gravel road. You will pass a small log cabin on the right. The next building on the left side of the road is the Thomas Administration Center. Park in front of this building and come inside the “Registration” entrance to check-in your camper.