Family Freeze-Out

January 24-26, 2025

This event is for the whole family. We’re expecting grandparents down to toddlers. The three chapel sessions will be Saturday morning and evening, and Sunday morning. Each session will have around 30-40 minutes of speaking time.
We will begin at 6:30 PM on Friday night with a family movie (Overcomer). Supper will be served concession style—everyone coming will receive a voucher to use for food at the concession stand. Plan to arrive between 5:00-6:00 PM. Departure is after breakfast and a chapel session around 11 AM.
To read the Family Freeze-Out information page that our registered guests receive, click HERE.

Sweethearts Banquet

February 14, 2025

This is one of the shortest events we hold, and our attendance is typically 40-45 couples. We stay in the Dining Hall for the entirety of the evening. Plan to arrive between 5:00-5:30 PM. Supper begins at 6:00 and we aim to finish up before 9:00. We’ll start with an opening welcome and announcements. Dinner will be served very quickly after beginning the event. We’ll have some lighthearted mixer-type activities that all the couples will be a part of. You’re welcome to join in the fun as the night progresses. The evening will close out with a time of challenge from you. Plan on taking about 20-25 minutes for your challenge. Couples come ready to hear a challenge as they desire to grow in their relationship with one another and with the Lord. You’ll be speaking to married couples that range from newly-wed to those celebrating 50 or more years of marriage.
This event includes a book exchange. We ask every couple to bring a book that has inspired growth in their marriage, strengthened their spiritual walk, offered insights for raising a family, helped with self-improvement, etc. and you're welcome to join in. At the end of the evening couples will get to choose a different book to take home.
We believe most of those that will be in attendance know Christ as Savior, however, there will likely be some who don’t know the Lord. Dress at this event is completely across the spectrum. We’ve had folks show up in their Sunday overalls and others show up in a suit and tie. “Sunday Best” means different things to different people. Your attire can be as casual as a nice pair of jeans and a button-down shirt, or you can wear a suit and tie if you’d like. Your wife will not be out of place in nice jeans, dress slacks, a skirt, or a dress. Just remember it will likely be pretty chilly. If you plan to stay at camp on Friday evening, overnight lodging is available with a hot breakfast served on Saturday morning.
To read the Sweetheart's Banquet information page from our website, click HERE.

Resolved Men's Retreat

April 4-5, 2025

2025 will be the first year we hold this retreat. This event is for adult men only, and we're expecting between 75-100. There will be one chapel session on Friday night, and two on Saturday. Our goal for Resolved is to offer an opportunity for like-minded men to come together, unplug from daily distractions, and invest in their spiritual walk. In addition to the chapel sessions, we'll take time for small group discussion and prayer.
Plan to arrive on Friday evening between 6:00-6:30 PM. Supper will be served at 7:00. We are offering early arrival for this event (3:00-5:00) if men would like to spend time fishing at the lake or at the gun range. You're welcome to take advantage of this as well. This retreat will conclude on Saturday after the final chapel session, around 4:00 PM

Mother/Daughter Retreat

May 2-4, 2025

During chapel, you'll be speaking to moms and daughters from newborn babies to senior citizens. Attendance for this retreat is usually around 100 people. Everybody meets together for each session. The four chapel sessions will be held Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. You'll have about 35-40 minutes in each session. If you have specific topics or passages you’ll be planning on exploring, please let me know so we can promote a bit more specifically. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get into background/testimony on the first session to lay a framework for the rest of the weekend.
Supper will be served "drop-in" style from 5:00-6:45 PM at the Dining Hall. Campers will be arriving throughout this time between 5:00-6:30. Chapel is right away at 7:00,  so you’ll want to get here with enough time to eat and get set up. The retreat concludes with breakfast and chapel on Sunday morning. Everybody has enough time to hit the road before noon.

Youth Camps

Summer 2025

As a summer camp speaker, your primary job is to speak at the nine different chapel sessions throughout the week. Our cabin leaders, staff, and volunteers will also attend most of the sessions, but your focus will be on the campers. Chapel sessions are every morning after breakfast and every evening after supper. Your first session will be
Monday night after supper. When used well, visual aids can be a huge help to our campers. Some of our camp speakers use Power Point presentations, pictures, video or object lessons to help the campers visualize the lesson better. You will have approximately 35-40 minutes in each session. Our summer camps typically have around 75-100 campers.
Plan to arrive on Monday between 9:00-11:30 AM. This will allow time for us to meet and plan out the week, settle in to your lodging, and attend the camp orientation session. If you need/prefer to arrive on Sunday evening, please let me know. Accommodations will be available, but there won’t be anything going on Sunday night. Departure will be on Saturday morning after breakfast. If you have a schedule conflict, please let us know right away.
Alpha Camp, June 6-7, 2025 (1-3 Grade)
Junior High 1, June 16-21, 2025 (6-9 Grade)
Teen Camp, June 23-28, 2025 (10-12 Grade)
Junior High 2, July 7-12, 2025 (6-9 Grade)
Kids Kamp 1, July 14-19, 2025 (3-5 Grade)
Kids Kamp 2, July 21-26, 2025 (3-5 Grade)
To read the information page that our registered campers receive, click HERE. It contains info about special themed days that we'd love for you to participate in as well!

Family Camp

June 30-July 3, 2025

You'll be speaking at five chapel sessions throughout the week. Expect a wide range of ages. Our staff and volunteers will also attend most of the sessions, but your focus will be on the campers. Chapel sessions are every morning after breakfast and every evening after supper. When used well, visual aids can be a huge help to our campers. Some of our camp speakers use Power Point presentations, pictures, video or object lessons to help the campers visualize the lesson better. You will have approximately 35-40 minutes in each session.
Plan to arrive Monday morning between 11:30-12:00. Lunch and orientation will be at 12:30. Departure will be on Thursday morning after "drop-in" style breakfast, available from 8:00-9:00. 
To read the information page that our registered campers receive, click HERE.

Senior Saints Retreat

August 15-17, 2025

For this retreat, you’ll be speaking to adults ages 55 and up in various stages of life. Some will be new to the “senior” crowd, others seasoned veterans. You’ll have singles, married couples, widows, widowers, grandparents and great-grandparents. You'll lead three devotionals, 25-30 minutes long.
We'll start with supper at 6:00 PM on Friday night, and you're welcome to arrive as early as you'd like. Feel free to spend some time hanging out and settling in before others arrive. Departure will be on Sunday morning after breakfast and a devotional session, usually by 10:30 AM.

Young Adults Retreat

September 26-28, 2025

For this retreat we expect to have 50-75 young adults between the ages 18-35, in various stages of life. Some will be fresh out of high school, some college students, but mostly young adults just living life. This retreat is for singles and married couples. The four chapel sessions will be held Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You will have around 40-45 minutes in each session.
The retreat kicks off with supper at 6:45 PM on Friday evening. Campers will be arriving between 5:00-6:30. Chapel is right after supper, so you’ll probably want to get here with a little time to set up. The retreat concludes with breakfast and chapel on Sunday morning. Everybody has enough time to hit the road before noon.

Father/Son Retreat

October 3-5, 2025

Attendance at this retreat is typically around 180-200 people. There will be dads with all ages of children, as well as older dads and granddads with their adult sons. The four chapel sessions will be held Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. You will have around 40-45 minutes in each session.
Supper will be served "drop-in" style from 5:00-6:45 PM at the Dining Hall. Campers will be arriving throughout this time between 5:00-6:30. Chapel is right away at 7:00,  so you’ll want to get here with enough time to eat and get set up. The retreat concludes with breakfast and chapel on Sunday morning. Everybody has enough time to hit the road before noon.